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Stillingsannonse #6242F9977CC2E
Sist oppdatert 2022-04-30 19:34

Aquaculture Consultant

Beskrivelse av arbeidsgiver

Pisco Group is a Danish independent aquaculture consultancy company, with a vision to revolutionize the aquaculture industry, one client at the time, by offering a combination of vendor independent consultancy and invention of new products, methods, procedures, and approaches for aquaculture.

Opportunity for Aquaculture Consultant, who strive to help clients with independent consultancy, focused on improving project and operational success

Job Description:

Aquaculture, and particularly land-based aquaculture, is in many ways an immature industry, with limited expertise in specifying and/or evaluating the biological, technical and zootechnical requirements and assumptions behind a project or operation. As a result, many land-based fish farms struggle to produce as much as they expected, with the obvious impact on revenues and profitability, which impacts not only the specific company and their financial output, but the reputation of the entire industry. 

Pisco Group, a Danish independent aquaculture consultancy company, wants to change that. Our vision is to revolutionize the aquaculture industry, one client at the time, by offering a combination of vendor independent consultancy and invention of new products, methods, procedures, and approaches for aquaculture. 

Pisco Group does not produce or sell, directly or indirectly, any equipment or systems. We are completely vendor independent, and we always strive to provide objective and transparent advice and put our clients’ interests first.

Pisco Group has some of the globally leading and most experienced experts within aquaculture. We offer our clients experience and competences, spanning from veterinarian expertise to design and construction of entire fish farms. We strive to deliver only “best in class”. When working with species, concepts, or solutions, where others are more experienced than us, we humbly involve and collaborate with the people we consider “best in class”.

In Pisco Group, we engage with aquaculture stakeholders across the value chain (fish farmers, equipment and technology manufacturers, software providers, technological and biological start-ups, governments, and non-profit organizations, as well as universities, equity funds and other consultancy companies) with development and review of among others:

  • Biological, technical and zootechnical requirements and assumptions
  • Production strategies and production plans 
  • Design philosophies and technical concepts
  • Technical feasibility studies, based on detailed production plans
  • Project and technology due diligence and supplier evaluation
  • Business due diligence and evaluation of investment opportunities and/or M&A
  • Client’s aquaculture expert, assisting with review and supervision
  • Remediation and arbitration

We currently have more requests than we can support and are therefore aiming to expand our Aquaculture Consultancy team. If you would like to be part of the realization of our vision, please send an application describing how you can help us and help our clients make better projects. You do not need to be an expert on all the above-mentioned fields of work, but industry experience and personal contact network within the industry will be valued highly.

Please forward you application and resume to For more information, please contact Kristine Albrechtsen (+45 3021 8999) or Morten Bjørn (+45 3029 4488).



Arbeidssted Copenhagen, Denmark
Søknadsfrist Soon as possible